News and Press from Super Lawn Trucks

Firing Landscape Employees?

Firing Landscape Employees?

Dear Lawn or landscape Business Owner:Have you fired any of your lawn or landscape employees lately? It's a serious question to consider.Why in the world would we be talking about firing employees? After all, isn't the hardest job in America finding, hiring, training...

Keeping Better Landscaping Employees

Keeping Better Landscaping Employees

Will your lawn or landscaping company be easier to run if you are able to keep your best employees longer? Our experience working with over four hundred owners of companies clearly show this to be a common belief. After all, new employees create a ton of special work...

Getting Better Landscape Employees

Getting Better Landscape Employees

Your Employee Management SystemLawn and landscape business owners gain leverage by hiring employees. That is, with employees, you don’t have to do all the work yourself. Generally speaking, hire employees and your sales can grow as you serve more customers. This is a...

Better Landscaping Employees?

Better Landscaping Employees?

Dear Lawn or Landscape Business Owner,At any moment in the life of your lawn or landscaping business, there’s ONE challenge that’s kicking your butt!There’s always ONE thing that’s the biggest challenge of all. We’d like to think that IF we could solve this ONE...

NEW Landscaper Survey Says…

NEW Landscaper Survey Says…

Dear Lawn or Landscape Business Owner:The results have been pouring in over the last 3 days. The last count shows 377 responses. We read each and every comment.In case you missed it. We asked ONE question: What’s the single greatest challenge you face in your business...
