
Dear Lawn and Landscape Business Owner: Are you thinking about July and August?

You really should be. Here’s why.

Landscape business owners bust their rear ends to ramp up for the high demand of Spring: April, May and June.

But just about every year…

The mad rush that kicks off in the Spring begins to slow down by early July.

The past three years, 2020, 2021 and 2022 were unique.

The slowdown never really happened for most folks doing home improvement and maintenance work. But that was not typical.

As we head into the middle of 2023 and get ready to celebrate the Independence Day (long) weekend, July 1-4, 2023…we know vacations, holidays and relaxation are on folks minds.

Along with it, the urgency of landscape projects begins to slow. 🙁

But there’s a simple tool you can use to help boost sales with the group of folks most likely to hire you again and again…that’s your current and past customers.

If you have been working with me for a while, you may have heard me say, “Marketing don’t have to be fancy or expensive. But marketing MUST be done!”

In order for your company to grow sales and profits, you must sell more and increase prices along the way. I’m going to give you a simple way to accomplish both goals today.

Here’s seven powerful selling words.

“What else can I do for you?” (count seven words)

That’s it.


If you or ANYONE on your team receives a compliment, get ready to use these words.

“What else can I do for you?” (count seven words)

You should use these words:

  • on the phone,
  • in person, and yes…
  • in your e-mail or
  • text conversations.

Sounds simple, right? It is.

But, there’s a critically important way to get the best results using these 7 powerful words.

Don’t stop with those 7 words.

Seldom do customers instantly give you more work.

It takes a minute for the customer’s brain to process the question.

So…you might add…”I was thinking ….” (and you just share an idea for an improvement project)… or…

“We really appreciate the chance to work for you Mr. ______”.

The brain has a hard time ignoring a question…but it takes a moment to get the answer ready.

By adding a comment or suggestion, you will be following a critical step that will extend the conversation…and it will give their brain a moment to process the question.

Failure to extend the conversation briefly will alter the results for you.


Here’s an example conversation:

Client: You guys did a great job with the pruning Tony!

You: You’ve made my day Mrs. Jones. Is there anything else we can do for you? … We enjoy working for you and making things look great! I was thinking about suggesting removal of a few low limbs on the big oak tree.Client: Oh, I don’t know about that. Could you look at my sprinkler while you’re here?


This works nearly every time.

Within a few seconds, your client remembers

  • a problem on another property,
  • a leaky sprinkler in the backyard,
  • a gutter full of leaves,
  • an enhancement project they’ve dreamed about
  • a friend who needs landscape repairs or
  • a family member needing design ideas
  • or something else (like clean my garage or pool) you are willing to do.

So …Next time a client says, “Wow, you guys did great!”

It’s your big chance.
It’s time to get on stage. The show is about to start. Remember your line!

Will you remember these 7 power words?***What else can I do for you?***These words will unlock bank accounts time and again.

Give this a try next week.

Teach your employees how to use these 7 powerful selling words. Use it everyday!

Then let me know how this works for you.

Seriously, send me an email and let me know how quickly you add $100 or $1000 or $10,000 to your sales just because you are a master at asking for work at just the right time.

Stay energized!

Tony Bass, founder

PS – Marketing and selling are the two highest payoff activities a business owner will ever master. WE don’t want to see you face a slow down in revenue in July and August. So…in case you missed it, here are two powerful messages to help you avoid the painful slow down typical for July and August:

Slowdown Prevention Plan Part 1 – click here

Slowdown Prevention Plan Part 2 – click here

PSS – We will be holding the highly rated Profit Builder Training event in August. This event is limited to just 12 non-competing companies. We will build your operating budget, establish your equipment hourly rates and learn how to estimate landscaping jobs correctly. Click here to learn more or to reserve your seat.

One more thing:

If you need trucks to grow your business, please call Maxx Bass at 866-923-0027 or email him at Maxx@superlawntrucks.com .

Maxx and the team at Super Lawn Trucks have trucks for residential lawn maintenance, commercial lawn maintenance, landscaping and hardscaping crews ready for fast delivery. Click here to see what Super Lawn Truck you can get fast…