News and Press from Super Lawn Trucks

Landscaping Industry Financial Report 2002-2022

Landscaping Industry Financial Report 2002-2022

Every five years the US Census Bureau conducts a survey of USA Businesses. If you have been in the landscaping business a few years, you’ve probably completed one of their surveys. The data is organized into a series of reports that reveal financial...

Are Things Slowing Down for Landscapers?

Are Things Slowing Down for Landscapers?

For Lawn and Landscape Business Owners: We've been hearing this question a lot from our clients and followers... "will there be a slow down in the economy in the coming months?" Because of this question, we decided to send out a survey this week to get...

Should Landscapers Still Carry Business Cards?

Should Landscapers Still Carry Business Cards?

Dear Lawn or Landscape Business Owner: Last week’s essay on THE 3-Part Automatic Landscaper Marketing Plan grabbed the attention of skeptics and supporters alike.For example, one techno-cool-cat claimed that “business cards are dead”. He simply shares his...

Should Landscapers Run Facebook Ads?

Should Landscapers Run Facebook Ads?

Lawn and landscape business owners: We received this marketing question a few days ago. It’s a common question…However, it’s the wrong question. Let me explain.Marketing has three purposes. The most effective marketing will accomplish all three. Build...

3 Disturbing Trends for Lawn Business Owners

3 Disturbing Trends for Lawn Business Owners

We just returned from 3 weeks of travel. This included 2 weeks of private consulting meetings and one THINK WEEK. I'd thought you would like to learn about the trends I have confirmed.FIRST...did you hear the news revealed on the Employment Situation...
