News and Press from Super Lawn Trucks
Looking for a Landscaping Job?
Stupid stuff? Just to see what it’s like, I went onto ZIP RECRUITER and posted a profile... like I was looking for a job. 😉 I did this on Sept 7, 2021. As I write this message, I have received 41 emails from Zip Recruiter inviting me to click a link that allows me...
The Problem With Hunting Season for Landscapers
Dear Lawn and Landscape Business Owner, This message could be offensive to you. On the other hand, this could be the biggest wake-up call you’ve ever read. It’s October 1, 2021 as I write this message. Hunting season is opening all across our country. Able bodied...
Finding Landscape Employees – 2 New Systems Revealed
It is a frustrating time to be shopping for new employees. Competition for people is fierce!You can find a “help wanted” sign or a “now hiring” sign in front of almost every business in town.If you turn on the local FM radio, you’ll hear help-wanted ads from...
Raising Lawn and Landscape Prices – Revisited
9-11-21 (Update For Owners of Lawn and Landscaping Companies) Is it price increase time for you and your company? It's a hot topic... And for many landscape business owners, the idea of raising prices is a tough decision. I'll share a conversation with one of my...
September 4, 2021 (I’m thankful August is gone!)
Bonaire, GA - 59 degrees and clear this morning at my home. I’m quietly giving thanks for my family’s blessings.Thank God there’s no hurricane blowing in this weekend. Our friends and clients in the path of Ida continue to suffer. Jeff Roberts, a client of mine for 15...
Toughest Month for Landscapers?
It's true! August is a tough month for landscaping business owners. Here’s why.Costs are higher than ever. Even your Best People are tired.Retention of employees is harder than ever.Finding replacement people is darn near impossible.Face it…It’s hot.It’s been really...
Landscape employee problems? (what to do about it follows)
Dear Landscape Business Owners, We heard you loud and clear! That is… We heard from 197 lawn and landscape business owners over the past few days. In case you missed it… We asked one powerful survey question: What’s the single greatest challenge you face...
Booming Inflation + Employee Challenges = Landscaper’s #1 Priority
7-17-21 To: Lawn and Landscape Business Owners Are you following the formula for maximum profits? OR...are you missing out on the massive money-shift that’s all around you? We are sharing the results from two reports published the past week: Inflation...
Keep Your Costs Low…(Wealthy Landscaper Lesson)
The USA inflation rate came in at 5% ending May 2021.We hadn't seen inflation jump that high since the period June-August of 2008. For you 50+ old dudes like me...Can you remember what happened in our economy in the fall of 2008?That's when the GREAT...
The Teen Work Challenge Project
The Super Lawn Technologies Teen Work Challenge Project is designed in the spirit of a final exam for our work based learning and internship students. Our goal was to determine if we could develop high school or technical college students (under 20 years of age) to...
United States of America Back To Work Initiative
This proclamation by business leaders is delivered to the citizens of the USA in order to build awareness of the urgent need for able-bodied workers to contribute to our economy.Whereas: The USA and capitalism is founded on, preserved by and made stronger when every...
Is Spring Fever Good or Bad for Landscapers?
What frustrates landscape business owners more, the spring rush or the winter slow-down?After 34 years in landscaping, I know first-hand how demanding the Spring season is.Personally, I’ve NEVER been able to keep up with EVERY OPPORTUNITY the Spring season offers.It...