The Courageous Landscaper

The Courageous Landscaper

There is a good reason that accounting firms are the most profitable businesses in America. Accountants have the courage to charge high prices for their services. According to data released by the IRS, the average net profit of accounting firms in the United States is...
Wealthy Landscaper Update

Wealthy Landscaper Update

It came as a surprise to my clients when I made this bold recommendation in 2018. In case you missed The Wealthy Landscaper 5-part plan, you can read my original publication of this report right here. As I reflect on these five powerful guiding principles of wealth...
Looking for a Landscaping Job?

Looking for a Landscaping Job?

Stupid stuff? Just to see what it’s like, I went onto ZIP RECRUITER and posted a profile… like I was looking for a job. ? I did this on Sept 7, 2021. As I write this message, I have received 41 emails from Zip Recruiter inviting me to click a link that allows me...