Are YOU a Worried Landscaper ?
Are we about to have a serious recession? Will prices rapidly rise as we move through 2025 due to tariffs? Are we going to lose our labor force due to changes in immigration policy?
These are the questions we have been asked the past two weeks.
We will discuss each of these questions in today’s essay.
Let’s start with this one: Are we going to lose our labor force due to changes in immigration policy?
We think this is very unlikely. Here’s why…
We doubt very seriously that you have been hiring radical political activists. We doubt you have been hiring asylum seekers without proper employment documents. We know that companies who use the H2B guest worker program are already complying with immigration laws and a rigorous bureaucratic hiring process. You and your current employees are paying taxes and acting as productive citizens. It’s very unlikely you or your productive workers are targets for deportation. Please quit wasting your time and energy worrying about this!
Next question: Will prices rapidly rise as we move through 2025 due to tariffs?
Prices have been rising and falling based on supply and demand economics since the dawn of time. This will continue regardless of tariff policy.
It’s 100 percent true that inflation has increased faster since 2021 than anytime in our business lifetime. And since many landscapers got their butt kicked with rising prices (and especially rising wages) the past few years, many are scared it’s going to happen again.
Regardless, if prices go up or prices go down, you must know your numbers. And those companies who know their numbers will increase or lower prices to position themselves correctly in the market. There’s really nothing you can do about tariffs beyond wasting time by writing to our president.
Please, stop wasting your time and energy worrying about things you can’t control.
Next question: Are we about to have a serious recession?
We had a serious recession in 2008-2009. And if Your Company was operating during that time, you have some experience in dealing with a recessionary economy.
And guess what? it ain’t fun!
I’ve always found business to be way more fun when we are expanding, growing, and dealing with the challenges faced during GROWTH.
Recessions force companies to balance their books. And that means the companies that have overextended themselves with credit are much more susceptible to bankruptcy if sales fall.
The companies that have managed their finances wisely will likely continue to do so. That means you build a budget, you adjust your spending, and you pay attention to all the numbers.
We’ve made a rather crazy sounding recommendation to our consulting clients over the years since the great recession of 2008 and 2009. And it flies in the face of generally accepted accounting principles. Simply stated, we have recommended the companies set a goal to build up cash equal to one year of company overhead.
For example, a company generating $1 million in annual revenue should be holding about $300,000 in cash. And if that’s the case, you could literally close your company for a year and not worry about a damn thing.
So will we have a serious recession?
You are absolutely, positively not going to have a serious recession if you’re a landscaper and springtime is staring you in the face. The grass will grow. The trees will put on leaves. Weeds will begin to pop out and show their ugly little faces, and all of this is going to create work opportunities for you and your company.
Please, make sure you have the right equipment to maximize productivity, continue to promote your company as a landscape service provider and encourage your employees to get their butts out of bed and come to work.
There’s not ONE thing you can do about a USA or global recession.
But, you have the ability to take care of folks who own property and need help taking care of it…today, next week and next month.
So please, quit worrying about what might happen and focus your energy and efforts on your customers’ needs.
Your customers will always need help!
If you’re the guy or the gal willing to help, you will always have work.
Happy Landscaping!
Tony Bass, founder
PS – an interesting note for you to consider. We’ve probably had more conversations about the questions above in the past 30 days than anytime in recent history. But here’s what we know… prices have fallen on commercial work trucks in the past 12 months. And it’s true that with tariffs, prices may go up very soon. But today, right now, there is an excellent supply of Super Lawn Trucks at excellent prices. Learn more about this by watching this short video.