
5 Ways Landscape Business Owners Build a 7-Figure Future

Will YOU become wealthy from landscaping? It’s up to you. But being BUSY does not necessarily create wealth. It’s important you understand the wealth formula.

You see…Wealth from landscaping is a choice. And YES… it’s 100% possible to become very wealthy from the income you create while providing lawn & landscaping services.

However, it’s also possible your company could crash and burn during the next economic meltdown.

That’s why we recommend you create multiple streams of income within your wealth accumulation plans.

I’ve included a summary of the Wealthy Landscaper checklist below.

Wealthy Landscaper Checklist

  1. Your company MUST create profits 3x to 5x the profits of average landscape companies. The data is very clear.  Most landscape companies are operating with painfully low profit margins.  If you’re going to become wealthy from landscaping…this must be corrected immediately.  There are 3 ways to rapidly increase profits: raise prices, lower expenses and increase productivity.

Your ability to generate wealth from landscaping starts with one core competency.  It’s called “price right”.  When you “price right”, the work you do will generate profits for you and your business.  When you “price right”, your customer or prospect will hire YOU because the project fits their budget.  Wealth is created when you win profitable jobs.  Wealth is destroyed when you win unprofitable jobs.  Wealthy landscapers have become experts at pricing right.  This will NEVER change!

2. Wealthy landscapers NEVER SAY, “My accountant takes care of my taxes.” Wealthy landscapers take an active roll educating themselves on tax reduction strategies. Since 25 cents to 45 cents of EVERY DOLLAR YOU EARN goes to some form of tax payments, you’ll rapidly increase wealth when you learn AND use advanced tax reduction strategies.

Wealth is often derailed by overpaying taxes.  I’d like to introduce you to the top tax reduction expert in the USA today.  We recently recorded a webinar training program with this Tax Attorney & CPA.  You can listen-in on our conversation and see how you can lower your taxes while operating your lawn business.  Please understand, tax reduction pays you an immediate 25% to 45% return on your investment, so it’s a critical part of wealth accumulation.  The recording is found at: www.superlawntoolkit.com/5ways .

 3. Wealthy landscapers use a portion of profits from lawn and landscaping income to purchase positive cash flow properties. Real estate investments are a “tax advantaged” investment. Many of the skills you have developed as a lawn & landscape business owner could make you an effective real estate investor.

A portfolio of just ten single family homes could easily create a six-figure annual income without a single employee. The ten-home retirement plan will NEVER be offered to you by your Wall Street investment advisor. During this recent webinar broadcast, we explain the 10-home retirement plan.  Listen here: www.superlawntoolkit.com/5ways .  This recording could inspire you to build this alternative retirement plan and accelerate your wealth accumulation.

 4. Most lawn and landscape business owners could rapidly increase profits by cross-selling or up-selling existing clients a handful of specialized services. Specialized services can help you move up-market and create very high-profit service lines. For example, adding holiday decorating, pressure washing, rubbish removal or gutter cleaning may allow you to increase hourly rates without the hassle of “bidding”. Adding revenue from existing customers is almost always more profitable than adding revenue from new customers

Further, the wealthy landscaper looks for off-season income streams that maximize return on investment of fixed assets. Avoid adding new services that create heavier workloads in the Spring. You’re already busy-busy-busy in the Spring. Even small increases of revenue with highly profitable services during the slow months can dramatically enhance profits.

5. Every lawn and landscape business owner will leave their company someday. Some will create a 7-figure payday upon exit. Others will choose to stay busy-busy-busy and never learn the proven business model that maximizes exit options and exit price.

Wealthy landscapers build a Power Team of experts to help them plan their exit YEARS in advance of exiting their company.  Start with a professional business appraisal.  Then seek advice on how you could improve the value of your company.  Make certain you make the adjustments.  Then keep growing.  The earlier you begin preparing for an exit, the more likely you’ll create a 7-figure payday for you and your family.

The Only Sustainable Competitive Advantage

Steve Jobs, founder of Apple, created the first company that reached a trillion-dollar market cap. It happened 7 years after his death. Steve knew he was dying well in advance. The final product initiative of his career wasn’t an I-Pod, I-Pad or I-Phone…

His final effort was to establish Apple University. It’s the internal education system for the team at Apple. The only sustainable competitive advantage is to educate yourself each and every year…never allowing yourself to become out dated, out smarted or out performed.

Education is YOUR choice. But we know it’s not always easy to know where to go for landscape business education.  That’s why we hold the Growth Summit for owners of lawn and landscape businesses. We want to help YOU stay one-step ahead of the competition. Our 5th annual education event is just a few weeks away.

This year’s event theme and education program is titled The Wealthy Landscaper.

I’d like to invite you to watch the short video that explains the details and how you could join my team and I at this October education event.  You’ll quickly learn how others are building exceptional wealth from owning and operating a landscape business.

Our faculty of expert speakers will dive deep into the 5 Ways to Build Your 7-Figure Future so you can become The Wealthy Landscaper in your town. I’ve recorded interviews with each of our speakers.

I’ve also recorded a short video that explains the all of the details.  You can find it here: www.superlawntoolkit.com/2018summit .

I hope you will watch the video(s) and join me in Louisville, KY on October 17, 2018 at 7:30 am.

To Your Wealth,

Tony Bass, founder – The Wealthy Landscaper

PS – If you have further questions, just call me at 478-822-9706.  We’d love to see you in Louisville!