Stupid stuff?
Just to see what it’s like, I went onto ZIP RECRUITER and posted a profile… like I was looking for a job. 😉
I did this on Sept 7, 2021. As I write this message, I have received 41 emails from Zip Recruiter inviting me to click a link that allows me to apply in one click.
There’s a problem though.
I posted my desired salary at $250,000 per year to see what would happen.
Unfortunately, I have NOT been advised of a job opening paying over $75,000 in the last 32 days.
Where’s the high paying jobs?
Zip Recruiter hasn’t found me one yet!
It looks like I’m stuck with being an entrepreneur! 🙂
However… I am completely annoyed with the daily emails trying to get me to apply for jobs that are nowhere near the pay level that I entered into the Zip Recruiter system.
Here’s a screenshot of those 41 emails in 32 days.

(I know this screen shot is hard to read…but trust me…41 emails in 32 days is accurate)
What does this tell me?
First, if someone is looking for a semi-high paying job…don’t go to Zip Recruiter. It doesn’t look like many employers are using this site for the executive level six-figure job openings.
Next, if an employee decides they are open to a job change, and they post a profile on Zip Recruiter, they will be recruited via email… on a daily basis (perhaps more than daily basis).
All of our employees are just one click away from a swift offer to a better opportunity!
As an employer…I get the privilege of hiring people.
I get the opportunity to test the market when I advertise for new workers.
I have earned the responsibility to discuss pay with a few hundred people each year. Some are business owners seeking advice on managing their workforce, some are potential employees looking for a job and some are my existing employees looking for more money.
Here’s what I’ve learned in 2021.
Raises are no longer expected to be a once a year event. Nope…it looks like quarterly raises will be required to keep people on staff (if you are paying less than $25 per hour).
Speaking of the NEW minimum wage of $25/hour, the Goliath in USA banking, Bank of America, has been a leader in this wage increase movement since announcing their plans to make $25/hour their new minimum wage by 2025. Click here to read the press release.
The current minimum wage at Bank of America is $21/hour.
And finally this…it may surprise you.
I’ve learned that cutting my company work hours from 40 hours a week to 38 hours a week has seemed to make my staff happier than another pay raise! Can you believe that?
Here’s what I decided to try.
We would simply offer our entire team the option to leave on Friday after paychecks were distributed at 1 pm. Since our normal hours are 8 am to 5 pm…we cut about 4 hours every two weeks from our work schedule.
Monthly output has stayed the same. Go figure!
Perhaps you should give this strategy a try in your company.
If you do…let me know how it works for you.
Finish 2021 strong!
Profit Greatly,
Tony Bass, founder
PS – We hope to see you at the biggest lawn, landscape and hardscape show in North America October 20-22, 2021. Come see us in Louisville, KY.
PSS – If you need help with adjusting your prices to compete for employees in this period of rapid inflation, join me at an upcoming Profit Builder Training event. Click here for the details.