Warning Issued for All Lawn and Landscape Business Owners…
Did you see the report released this week?
Inflation is growing at a much faster rate than the economists have predicted. October inflation hit .9% and 6.2% over the past 12 months according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).
The BLS report explains that this is the highest inflation the USA has experienced in over 30 years! These times…they are changing!
Please remember…the data collected and crunched by the BLS is based on what has happened in the PAST.
I’m thankful that our government does the reporting…however…
As a contractor, YOU and I MUST live in the FUTURE.
We sell work that is going to be done in the FUTURE…with FUTURE labor…and FUTURE materials…and FUTURE equipment.
Now that inflation is growing faster and larger than any of the economist have predicted…you and I better THINK and get ready for…well…THE FUTURE.
I took the time to prepare my own report of the PAST costs of lawn trucks with PAST costs of gasoline and PAST inflation rates.
Then…I took a look at the FUTURE costs of ownership for the same truck with FUTURE fuel costs and FUTURE inflation rates.
Many business owners overlook the FUTURE costs to replace FUTURE equipment…
But,,,when you take this into account…
The hourly costs of ownership for trucks just went through the roof!
Watch the Lawn Truck Cost video…
Shoot me an email and tell me what you think.
Profit Greatly,
Tony Bass, founder
PS – This video shares the hourly rates for lawn trucks from 2018, 2020 and 2022. See how your numbers compare.
You get immediate access to the video, however, registration is required to view the video.
This recording also shares access to the truck cost video used in these calculations. Check it out.
PSS – Access the BLS report on October 2021 CPI data right here: