A great percentage of people have been hit with snowstorms recently. This reminded me of the work I did with 75 snow contractors years ago… I was inspired to write this poem.


“The Snow Contractor”

by Tony Bass


The snow comes down

In the dark of night.

When we awake

The world is white.


You lay in bed

So rested and warm

While we go out

To fight the storm.


The trucks come alive

With power and purpose

To quickly clear 

Your icy surface.


So we plow and push

And we push even more

Now you’re ready for work

To open your store.


Walkways are frozen,

Still more work to do.

Taming the storm

With a sidewalk crew.


No slips trips or falls.

Safety is our mission.

Protecting Your

Liability position.


We are men with machines

Putting snow in piles.

Contracting with you

And making you smile!


One final detail,

Our written arrangement.

We send the bill

You make prompt payment!


Originally written and dedicated in honor of the professional snow contractor by Tony Bass at the Snow Forum, Las Vegas September 22, 2009.

What do you think?

Tony, founder

Super Lawn Technologies


PS – we’d love to have you join us to work on your budget and pricing this winter during the snow season! We’ve been doing our small group training Profit Builder events since 2010. Our step-by-step process will have you gaining confidence in your company budgeting and estimating system. And yes, you will build a budget for paying employees a competitive wage rate and benefits package and plan for growth in your next year. You’ll love it! 

Our next class is January 10-12 in Atlanta, GA. CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE AND SAVE YOUR SEAT

PPS – our Profit Builder training events are limited to just 12 companies and we have 6 seats open as of today. Hope to see you face-to-face, in person, next month!