
This proclamation by business leaders is delivered to the citizens of the USA in order to build awareness of the urgent need for able-bodied workers to contribute to our economy.

Whereas: The USA and capitalism is founded on, preserved by and made stronger when every able-bodied citizen contributes to our economy

Whereas: USA citizens should be gainfully employed and not be paid to be idle

Whereas: USA employers are having great difficulty finding and hiring new employees

Whereas: Many USA employee applicants are applying for open positions and going through the hiring process only to meet requirements to sustain unemployment benefits

Whereas: Few USA employee applicants are accepting open positions

Whereas: USA businesses are now competing for employees with state and federal governments because of the excessive levels of unemployment and other social programs provided by state and federal agencies, which allow potential employees to be paid for being idle. The situation effectively prevents them from seriously pursuing employment opportunities.

Whereas: Maximizing the number of USA citizens who are productively employed is a goal

Whereas: Minimizing the number of USA citizens who are on unemployment income and state or federal assistance is a goal

Whereas: Unemployment and economic assistance should be focused on those who need it

Whereas: The current structure of unemployment and economic assistance unfairly incentivizes idleness those who could and should be working

Whereas: Unemployment and social assistance benefits are unfairly being paid to those who are not “available for work” because they are out of our country or incarcerated or committing fraud against our nation

Whereas: The current structure of unemployment and economic assistance effectively prevents the movement of labor supply to industries where it is needed

Whereas: Citizens have never been promised the opportunity to “work from home” and employers need employees to report to their place of business

Whereas: Misrepresentation of one’s ability to work or to find a job is commitment of fraud and hurts our nation’s economy

Now therefore, business leaders across our great nation demand these actions:

  1. The President of the United States of America will encourage its citizens to participate in our economy by being gainfully employed 
  2. Our nation’s Governors will encourage its citizens to participate in our economy by being gainfully employed 
  3. The USA Department of labor and all state workforce agencies will encourage its citizens to participate in our economy by being gainfully employed
  4. Individuals receiving unemployment benefits must
  5. Be actively seeking work and apply for a minimum of 7 positions per week
  6. must attend all interview requests
  7. must accept job offerings if they are physically and mentally capable of doing the work
  8. must report in person to an unemployment office at least once every 2 weeks to prove they are available for work
  9. individuals who do not comply with the above will be denied unemployment benefits and social assistance
  10. The USA Department of Labor and each state office of workforce development will develop and implement the following process so businesses and organizations who are hiring can report individuals who are committing fraud and unlawfully receiving unemployment and social assistance benefits
  11. develop and implement an online reporting system which businesses can use to log applicants, interviews, hires and resignations/terminations.
  12. Develop and implement a process for USA employers to report unemployment benefit recipients who are not “available for work”
  13. Develop and implement an “in person” bi-weekly check-in at local unemployment offices to verify an individual is “available for work.”
  14. Integrate that system with the current unemployment and social assistance programs to responsibly qualify potential unemployment benefit recipients and disqualify current recipients who were not actively seeking employment.
  15. The USA Department of Labor and each state office of workforce development will develop and implement education and training programs to facilitate the movement of the labor pool to businesses and industries where it is needed
  16. Wage rates will be determined by a free-market economy and should no longer be manipulated by stimulus checks and federal BONUS pay above the established unemployment rates of each state

The following business leaders have endorsed this USA Back To Work Initiative:

Tony Bass, Founder & CEO – Super Lawn Trucks, GA

If you agree with this, please sign this proclamation at:
